Our Fall Season, holds classes for 9 months, starting in September and ending with our annual recital in May. The cost for class is an annual price but for the convenience of our families, we have broken up the payments over 9 month installments. The first installment will be taken out upon registering for the season.
Once you have created a parent account, we require all families to enrolling in AUTO-PAY. We apply tuition on the 1st of every month. If for any reason, your payment fails, the balance needs to be paid off before the 1st of the next month or a $5.00 late fee will be applied to the account. Our fall season runs from Sept.-May (9 months of payments for this season).
Tuition rates per class:
30 min. class = $45.00 per month
45 min. class = $50.00 per month
60 min. class = $65.00 per month
Private Lessons (30min.) = $45.00 per lesson
Registration Fee: $15.00 per student (Max of 3 per family and then free registration.)
costume and recital fees
There is a flat fee of $60.00 for all dance costumes per student per class. At Leona's we want to make it as affordable as possible that is why we take 2 separate installments of $30.00 in order to pay the costume fee. First installment will be charged Nov. 1st and the second will be charged Dec. 1st. If the fee is not paid by the end of December, COSTUME(S) WILL NOT BE ORDERED FOR YOUR STUDENT. If costume is not ordered, students are not allowed to participate in recital or picture day. Please note that costume fees are non-refundable.
Recital Tickets = $10.00 per person (3 and under are free)
Recital Costume = $60.00 per costume
- There is NO RECITAL FEE at Leona's dance !
Multi-Class Discounts (per student)
2 classes = $5 off combined tuition total
3 classes = $10 off combined tuition total
4 classes = $25 off combined tuition total
Family / Multi-Student Discounts
2 students = $5 off combined tuition total
3 students = $10 off combined tuition total
4 students = $15 off combined tuition total