​Arrive 15 minutes before your dancers scheduled stage time.
Dancer should arrive in costume for the class. If dancer is in multiple dances with different costumes, bring all costumes to dress rehearsal.
Picture Day: Pictures will be taken the week of April 22nd - 25th. Dancers will come to class in full costume, tights, hair and make up. Pictures forms will be given out April 1st and will need to be brought back to the studio the day of pictures.
Hair & Make-Up: Trial out the hairstyle your dancer will perform in at this dress rehearsal. Make Up can be light (no bright colors), keep it neutral.
Dress Rehearsal Schedule:
Friday, May 17th (stage rehearsal, wear all black - no costumes)
5:30-6:15pm Supreme's
6:15-7:00pm Trend Setters
7:00-7:45pm Ballet 3
7:45-8:30pm Advanced Ballet
Saturday, May 18th (full dress rehearsal)
9:00-9:15am - Trend Setters
9:15-9:30am - Ballet 3
9:30-9:45am - Next Generation Hip Hop (Monday's)
9:45-10:00am - Creative Movement (Monday's)
10:00-10:15am - Advanced Ballet
10:15-10:30am - Ballet 1 (Monday's)
10:30-10:45am - Supreme's
10:45-11:00am - Beginning Ballet (Tuesday's)
11:00-11:15am - Tiny Ballerina's (Monday's)
11:15-11:30 - Jazz 1 & 2 (Monday's)
11:30-11:45 - A1 Squad (Monday's)
11:45-12:00 - Tiny Hoppers (Monday's)
12:00-12:15 - Step Up Hip Hop (Tuesday's)
12:15-12:45 - Role Modelz & dancer (1pm show)
12:45-1:15pm - Role Modelz & dancer (5pm show)
1:15-1:30pm - Tiny Ballerina's (Tuesday's)
1:30-1:45pm - Beginning Ballet (Wednesday's)
1:45-2:00pm - Ballet 1 (Tuesday's)
2:00-2:15pm - Tiny Hoppers (Tuesday's)
2:15-2:30pm - Beginning Tap (Wednesday's)
2:30-2:45pm - Next Generation Hip Hop
2:45-3:00pm - A1 Squad (Wednesday's)
3:00-3:15pm - Step Up Hip Hop (Wednesday's)
3:15-3:30pm - Ballet 2 (Wednesday's)
Required attire for recital:
Please think of hairstyles that are pushed back from the face. No extra hair pieces (most costumes come with a hair piece that will be used). No nail polish or jewelry.
Girls - Pink tights & Pink ballet shoes
Boys - no tights & black jazz shoes